07-Jul-1978 Los Angeles,CA The Roxy, USA
Ehi! Ehi! Gimme some lights up here! Hoy you're doing? First, I like to say a few things things. First I like to say I want to thank you for coming down. I want to thank L.A. for treat us this way. It's been fantastic last few days in town, and I, I know there was a lot of people that waited a long time on line outside, there was a lot that didn't get in for one reason or another, I want to apologize, I want to say I'm very sorry, if I could I would like to invite all the town so I just like the folks that didn't get in hard time out on the street I like to say I'm sorry, it's my fault and I wouldn't try to transform no private party 'cos I don't play no parties anymore, except my own! So gimme the slap back on this microphone, One...., we'll do some rock'n'roll for you!
All right. I've seen my picture in a paper yesterday, it was one
of the first pages. It was a funny picture, I looked like I was catching flies,
you know, with my mouth wide open. Who's taken this kind of shots..... Anyway
(drum, piano)
Wait a minute, when I do this, let me do it again
When I do that this is what's supposed to happen...
Thank you, ehi, all you guys, sit down you make me nervous. Find your seat, or something, ......yes, sit down ....... will raise you up on your feet. This is a song ....this is called Darkness On The Edge Of Town.
Tanks. You guys keep on resting. Eh?, All right, all right all right? We'll play that. We haven't played that song too much. The others we hadn't ever played! We'll play Candy's room
All right! Ladies and gentleman, princess cards she sends me!
This next song is a new song, the newest tonight. This is this a song I wrote I guess it was .... didn't make it, didn't make it on Darkness I wrote it right after I finished to write the album. And this is a song about, it's called Point Blank, it's a song about being trapped. Two friends of mine work two jobs a day, and others who don't work two jobs a day trying to take their house away. It's a song about being trapped and could not get out
Thanks! Gimme a break! Thanks, and get out the connection desk 1.... I got nothing coming out this thing, Bailey 1....2, 1...2 nothing more 1....2 Hey, that's that's good now. We drove to Utah, me and Steve and a couple of friend of us, this song is called Promised Land
Big Man! The E Street Band!
This is a song... this is funny 'cos, when I get out, I got out with my
girlfriend you know, I take her around in my car, and we drive around anytime
the car place down and she says "ehi you're the guy, you write the songs
about the cars all the time, you guy you fix the car", I mean like, you
know, I got at the hood, this is like "Alice lost in Wonderland",
you know so "Ehi, where this go?" I don't know about that stuff, but I
think I understand the spiritual and religious significance of 396. So I write
these song anyways, anytime. This is for everybody around listening to this in
the car, this is Racing in the Street
I was riding, I was riding through the Arizona desert, we bought this 900$ old '65 Galaxy and we're driving around for three days down to Reno, and we found this house path, and this endian he'd built that house, I guess it was pretty, it was pretty like, lonely he built that house just out of the stuff, it scavaged it from the desert, he put this picture of Geromino by the side of the highway, and I ...we took off down that dirt road toward the house, I remember it's already at the beginning we had this sign that said, it said in blood red paint, it said "This is a land of peace, love, justice, and no mercy" and the sign said, it pointed out the dirt road said Thunder Road
Thank, we' re gonna take, we're gonna take a 15 minutes break an we'll be right back. We'll be back in 15 minutes.How are you guys out there in the front seats now? All right...Well I wanna how's you out there? Well bootleggers out there in radioland, roll your tapes
All right, This is for all the girls here, it's called Fire
Must change my guitat, Ok, as you like, Here is one for the boys, it's Adam Raised a Cain
This for the girls, too
This is for a fellow who sent me a note backstage. Said he's
here with his son who's six years old. Are you here anyplace? The cat that
sent the note? Is that you? It was a fine note, and this was his son's first
rock show or something? Rock concert? I forgot his name – it was Jason or
something. And this is for him, and everybody else that's still growing up…
There I was... Gotta get my buttons straight… There, I got it.
There I was one night, just a normal guy. And then, there I was the next night.
God damn, I was still just a normal guy…
.............. Gimme some echo, gimme some slap back on this thing, One, one... well
Expecially for you. Wherever she is, on the street, inside, outside, wherever you may be, Rosy, come out tonght...
On the piano, professor Roy Bittan! On the guitar, Miami Steve Van Zandt. On the bass guitar mister Garry W. Tallent! On the drums, The mighty Mighty Max! On the organ, now you see him, now you don't, "phantom" Danny Federici, and last but not at least,
ROSALITA (reprise)