Song title: Bright lights, big city
(Reed) by Jimmy Reed (Vee Jay 398), 1961
Bright lights, big city
Bright lights, big city
Gone to my baby's head
Bright lights, big city
Gone to my baby's head
I'd tried to tell the woman but she doesn't believe a word I
Go light pretty baby... gonna need my help some day
It's all right pretty baby...gonna need my help some day
You're gonna wish you listened to some of those things I said
Go ahead pretty baby
Oh, honey knock yourself out
Go ahead pretty baby
Oh honey knock yourself out
I still love you baby cause you don't know what it's all about
Bright lights, big city
Gone to my baby's head
Bright lights, big city
Gone to my baby's head
This song has never been published on any official release.
Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
- 01/09/1971 Garfield park, Long Branch,NJ ,USA during the BSB period
- 04/02/1972 The Backdoor Club, Richmond,VA ,USA during the BSB period
- 01/06/1984 Stone Pony, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA during the 1982-84 "NJ clubs" Tour
Data from the database
First known live performance: 01/09/1971 Garfield park, Long Branch,NJ ,USA
Last known live performance: 01/06/1984 Stone Pony, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA
Song 'history':
During the early years (1965-1972), played live (at least) 2 time(s) with the Bruce Springsteen Band.
Keep in mind that only a small amount of the setlists of these years has surfaced, so it may have been played a lot more.
Played once in the whole 1982-1984 period, during which Bruce played, with various small groups or guesting, in a number of bars and small clubs of the New Jersey area (01/06/1984 Stone Pony, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA)
Data from the database