Song title: Wild thing
(Chip Taylor) by The Troggs
Wild thing
Wild thing
You make my heart sing
You make everything groovy
Wild thing
Wild thing, I think I love you
But I wanna know for sure
Come on and hold me tight
I love you
Wild thing
You make my heart sing
You make everything groovy
Wild thing
Wild thing, I think you move me
But I wanna know for sure
So c'mon and hold me tight
You move me
Wild thing
You make my heart sing
You make everything groovy
Wild thing
Wild thing
C'mon, c'mon, wild thing
Shake it, shake it, wild thing Notes:
This is the Troggs version
This song has never been published on any official release.
Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
- 24/04/2009 XL Center, Hartford,CT ,USA during the Working on a dream tour
- 04/06/2009 Stadium, Stockholm ,Sweden during the Working on a dream tour
- 18/07/2013 Páirc Uí Chaoimh, Cork ,Ireland during the Wrecking ball tour
Data from the database
First known live performance: 24/04/2009 XL Center, Hartford,CT ,USA
Last known live performance: 18/07/2013 Páirc Uí Chaoimh, Cork ,Ireland
Song 'history':
Bruce gave this song only two shots through the Working on a Dream tour (24/04/2009 XL Center, Hartford,CT ,USA and 04/06/2009 Stadium, Stockholm ,Sweden)
Bruce gave this song one only shot through the Wrecking Ball tour (18/07/2013 Páirc Uí Chaoimh, Cork ,Ireland)
Data from the database