Bruce Springsteen lyrics -- Bruce Springsteen shows -- Bruce Springsteen records

Song title: Waltz across Texas

(Tubb) by Ernest Tubb Decca), circa 1940

Waltz across Texas

The wind can blow cold, it moans and it cries
When it carries the sound of a thousand goodbyes
But if you listen tonight on that high, lonely plain
You'll just hear my voice as it calls out your name
You'll just hear my voice as it calls out your name

You've been on a road that just don't seem to end
Where that broken old heart of yours won't ever mend
You've crossed over bridges and bridges they burn
So many rivers and so much to learn
So many bridges and so much to learn

But the moon is so full, the stars are so bright
And my hand is steady, my touch id light
Look in my eyes, hold on real tight
And I'll waltz you my darling across Texas tonight
I'll waltz you my darling across Texas tonight

We both have known hard luck
And love that's gone wrong
When the ghosts take the shadows and
The night takes too long
We folded our cards when the hand wasn't strong
But that wheel will keep spinning long after we're gone
Yeah, that wheel will keep spinning long after we're gone

And the moon is so full, the stars are so bright
And my hand is steady, my touch is light
Look in my eyes, hold on real tight and I'll
Waltz you my darling across Texas tonight

I'll waltz you my darling across Texas tonight
Look in my eyes, hold on real tight
And I'll waltz you my darling across Texas tonight
I'll waltz you my darling across Texas tonight

Notes: These lyrics refers to the Rodney Crowell & Emmylou Harris version.

Statistics from the KILLING FLOOR ( database

This song has never been published on any official release.

Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
 - 09/11/1980 F.Erwin Center, Austin,TX ,USA during the The River Tour

Data from the database
Unique known live performance: 09/11/1980 F.Erwin Center, Austin,TX ,USA

Song 'history':

Bruce gave this song one only shot through the River tour (09/11/1980 F.Erwin Center, Austin,TX ,USA)
Data from the database