Song title: Treat her right
by Roy Head
Treat her right
I wanna tell you a story
Every man oughta know
If you want a little lovin
You gotta start real slow
She's gonna love you tonight now
If you just treat her right now
Squeeze her real gentle
Gotta make her feel good
Tell her that you love her
Like you know you should
So if you don't treat her right
She won't love you tonight
If you practice my method
Just as hard as you can
You're gonna get a reputation
As a lovin man
And you'll be glad every night
That you treated her right
This song has never been published on any official release.
Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
- 31/01/1998 Count Basie Theater, Red Bank,NJ ,USA
- 04/12/1999 ????, Colt's Neck,NJ ,USA, during the soundcheck.
- 13/05/2014 Times Union Center, Albany,NY ,USA during the High Hopes tour
Data from the database
First known live performance: 31/01/1998 Count Basie Theater, Red Bank,NJ ,USA
Last known live performance: 13/05/2014 Times Union Center, Albany,NY ,USA
Song 'history':
Played once in the whole High Hopes tour (13/05/2014 Times Union Center, Albany,NY ,USA)
The song was also played in informal happenings or off-tour appearances
Data from the database