Bruce Springsteen lyrics -- Bruce Springsteen shows -- Bruce Springsteen records

Song title: 99 and half Won't do

(Cropper/Pickett/Floyd) by Wilson Pickett

99 and half Won't do

Got to have your love night and day
Not just a part but all your heart
Ninety-nine and a half
Just won't do
Yeah, it just won't do

I've got a half of real love and affection
Though we live, though we live in the wrong direction
Ninety-nine and a half just won't do
Yeah, it just won't do

We got to bring it on down now

I've got a half of real love and affection
Though we live, though we live in the wrong direction
Ninety-nine and a half just won't do, yeah
It just won't do

Got to have 100
Got to have 100…

Notes: Rendered as an interlude, so these lyrics were never used by Bruce.

99 and half Won't do - Creedence Clearwater version

I got to have all your love, night and day
Not just a little part, but all of your heart, sugar

Ninety-nine and a half just won't do
Oh, no, no, just won't get it

Don' t be led in the wrong direction
To start this thing off right, a man need a little love and affection
Yes he do, now

Ninety-nine and a half just won't do
Oh, no, no, just won't get it

All right. Lookie here
We got to bring it all down, start getting it right
We got to stop this messing around, and keep the thing up tight
Yes we do, now

Ninety-nine and a half just won't do
Oh, no, no, just won't get it

All right, sugar
Got to have a hundred
Got to have a hundred
All right
Ooh, I must do, I must do
I must do now

Oh! Got to have a hundred!
Got to have a hundred!
Oh! Got to have a hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hundred, too right
Got to have a hundred, now. Oh!

Notes: Original CCR version. Never sang by Bruce in this version.

Statistics from the KILLING FLOOR ( database

This song has never been published on any official release.

Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
 - 05/06/1992 Hollywood Sound Stage, Los Angeles,CA ,USA
 - 25/07/1992 Meadowlands Arena, E.Rutherford,NJ ,USA during the Human Touch Tour

Data from the database
First known live performance: 05/06/1992 Hollywood Sound Stage, Los Angeles,CA ,USA
Last known live performance: 25/07/1992 Meadowlands Arena, E.Rutherford,NJ ,USA

Song 'history':

Bruce gave this song one only shot through the Human Touch tour (25/07/1992 Meadowlands Arena, E.Rutherford,NJ ,USA)

The song was also played in informal happenings or off-tour appearances
Data from the database