Bruce Springsteen lyrics -- Bruce Springsteen shows -- Bruce Springsteen records

Song title: Then she kissed me

(Spector, Greenwich, Barry) by The Crystals (Philles 115), 1963

Then she kissed me

She walked up to me and ask if I wanted to dance
She looked kinda fine so I tought that I just might take that chance
And when we danced she held me tight
Well I want to hold that night
With her with me, the moon so bright...
And then she kissed me
The first time I saw her I knew I had to see her again
And that we were gonna be so much more than just friends
I didn’t know just what to do,
So I whispered “I love you”
She said that she loved me too...
And she kissed me
She kissed me in a way I’ve never been kissed before
She kissed me in a way I wanna be kissed forever more
I knew that she was mine so I gave her all the love that I had
But I ain’t that kind of guy she could take home to meet her dad
Run with me and I’ll make you my bride
She was so happy that she almost cried
Then I pulled her by my side
And she kissed me
She walked up to me and ask if I wanted to dance
She looked kinda fine so I tought that I just might take that chance
I said :“Run with me and I’ll make you my bride”
She was so happy that she almost cried
Then I pulled her by my side
And she kissed me
And then she kissed me…

Notes: These lyrics refer to the Bruce interpretation.

Statistics from the KILLING FLOOR ( database

This song has never been published on any official release.

Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
 - 13/07/1974 Bottom Line, New York,NY ,USA during the Pre-BTR gigs
 - 08/08/1975 Civic Theatre, Akron,OH ,USA during the Born to Run Tour
 - 09/08/1975 Syria Mosque, Pittsburgh,PA ,USA during the Born to Run Tour
 - 13/08/1975 Bottom Line, New York,NY ,USA during the Born to Run Tour
 - 14/08/1975 Bottom Line, New York,NY ,USA during the Born to Run Tour
 - 15/08/1975 Bottom Line, New York,NY ,USA during the Born to Run Tour
 - 15/08/1975 Bottom Line, New York,NY ,USA during the Born to Run Tour
 - 16/08/1975 Bottom Line, New York,NY ,USA during the Born to Run Tour
 - 17/08/1975 Bottom Line, New York,NY ,USA during the Born to Run Tour
 - 17/08/1975 Bottom Line, New York,NY ,USA during the Born to Run Tour
 - 21/08/1975 Electric Ballroom, Atlanta,GA ,USA during the Born to Run Tour
 - 23/08/1975 Electric Ballroom, Atlanta,GA ,USA during the Born to Run Tour
 - 23/08/2008 Scottrade Center, Saint Louis,MO ,USA during the Magic tour
 - 13/09/2009 Bank Atlantic Center, Ft. Lauerdale,FL ,USA during the Working on a dream tour

Data from the database
First known live performance: 13/07/1974 Bottom Line, New York,NY ,USA
Last known live performance: 13/09/2009 Bank Atlantic Center, Ft. Lauerdale,FL ,USA

Song 'history':

Played live 1 time(s) during the gigs preceeding the official Born To Run Tour.
Keep in mind that only a small amount of the setlists of these years has surfaced, so it may have been played a lot more.

It only saw the light less than a dozen times in the whole Born to Run tour
One only rendering for this song in the Magic tour (23/08/2008 Scottrade Center, Saint Louis,MO ,USA)
One only performance during the Working on a Dream tour (13/09/2009 Bank Atlantic Center, Ft. Lauerdale,FL ,USA)
Data from the database