Bruce Springsteen lyrics -- Bruce Springsteen shows -- Bruce Springsteen records

Song title: Take me out to the ballgame

(Norworth, Von Tilzer) by Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly 1949

Take me out to the ballgame

Take me out
To the ball game
Take me out
With the crowd
Buy me some peanuts
And Crackerjacks
I don't care if
I never never get back

Let me root, root root
For the home team
If they don't win
It's a shame
For it's one, two,
Three strikes you're out
At the old ball game!

Statistics from the KILLING FLOOR ( database

This song has never been published on any official release.

Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
 - 13/06/1973 Broom County Memorial Arena, Binghampton,NY ,USA during the Greetings Tour
 - 06/09/2003 Fenway Park, Boston,MA ,USA during the The Rising Tour
 - 07/09/2003 Fenway Park, Boston,MA ,USA during the The Rising Tour

Data from the database
First known live performance: 13/06/1973 Broom County Memorial Arena, Binghampton,NY ,USA
Last known live performance: 07/09/2003 Fenway Park, Boston,MA ,USA

Song 'history':

Played live 1 time(s) during the so-called 'Greetings Tour' .
Keep in mind that only a small amount of the setlists of these years has surfaced, so it may have been played a lot more.

Played only a couple of times in the whole Rising tour (06/09/2003 Fenway Park, Boston,MA ,USA and 07/09/2003 Fenway Park, Boston,MA ,USA)
Data from the database