Bruce Springsteen lyrics -- Bruce Springsteen shows -- Bruce Springsteen records

Song title: Lucille

(Penniman, Collins) by Little Richard (Speciality 598), 1957


A Lucille, you won´t do your sister´s will
A Lucille, you won´t do your sister´s will
She´s ran off and married but I love her still

A Lucille, please come back where she belong
A Lucille, please come back where she belong
I´m speakin´ to ya baby, please don´t leave me alone
I woke up this mornin´ Lucille was not in sight
I ask my friends about her but all their lips was tight

Lucille, please come back where she belong
I´m speakin´ to ya baby, please don´t leave me alone

I woke up this mornin´ Lucille was not in sight
I ask my friends about her but all their lips was tight
Lucille, please come back where you belong
I speakin´ to ya baby, please don´t leave me alone

Lucille, baby satisfy my heart
Lucille, baby satisfy my heart
I believe I miss ya baby
And gave ya such a wonderful start

Statistics from the KILLING FLOOR ( database

This song has never been published on any official release.

First known live performance: 13/09/1975 Music Hall, Houston,TX ,USA
Last known live performance: 28/04/2017 Paramount Theatre, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA

Song 'history':

Bruce gave this song one only shot through the Born to Run tour
Bruce gave this song one only shot through the Darkness tour (02/08/1978 Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte,NC ,USA)
A discrete number of performances (29) was given during the 1982-1984 period, during which Bruce played, with various small groups or guesting, in a number of bars and small clubs of the New Jersey area
Played during the '1987 bar tour', which is the name under which I group the 1987 shows Bruce played with various small bands, or guesting, in small NJ clubs.
Played during the 'Summer '89 bar tour', which is the name under which I group the 1989 shows Bruce played with various small bands, or guesting, between March and September 1989
One only rendering for this song in the Wrecking Ball tour (29/06/2013 Stade de France, Paris ,France)
One only rendering for this song in the High Hopes tour (06/05/2014 Cynthia Woods Michelle Pavillion, Houston,TX ,USA)
Bruce gave this song one only shot through the 2016 The River tour (03/07/2016 Stadio S.Siro, Milan ,Italy)

The song was also played in informal happenings or off-tour appearances
Data from the database