Bruce Springsteen lyrics -- Bruce Springsteen shows -- Bruce Springsteen records

Song title: Little Latin Lupe Lu

(Medley) by The Righteous Brothers (Moonglow 215), 1963

Little Latin Lupe Lu

Hey, Hey

Talkin ´bout my baby
Ahhh, Latin Lupe Lu
She´s a high flyin´ baby
Ain´t no dance she couldn´t do
She´s my groovy little baby
Whoa - Little Latin Lupe Lu

Ah if you wanna do the Duck
Lupe Lu can put it down
And the wah watusi
She´s the best for miles around
She´s my pretty little baby
Whoa - Little Latin Lupe Lu

Bama Bama Lupe
Oh Shake shake it Lupe
?? pretty baby
come on do what you do
She´s my pretty little baby
Whoa - Little Latin Lupe Lu

Ah, we gonna try it once again
(crowd shouts) ?? yeah you right baby
This time we´re gonna try to get a little more feelin´

Statistics from the KILLING FLOOR ( database

This song has never been published on any official release.

Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
 - 23/03/1977 Music Hall, Boston,MA ,USA during the Born to Run 2nd Leg
 - 24/03/1977 Music Hall, Boston,MA ,USA during the Born to Run 2nd Leg
 - 25/03/1977 Music Hall, Boston,MA ,USA during the Born to Run 2nd Leg
 - 31/12/1977 Capitol Theatre, Passaic,NJ ,USA
 - 29/05/1982 Big Man's West, Red Bank,NJ ,USA during the 1982-84 "NJ clubs" Tour
 - 20/06/1982 Stone Pony, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA during the 1982-84 "NJ clubs" Tour
 - 10/07/1983 Stone Pony, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA during the 1982-84 "NJ clubs" Tour
 - 22/04/1984 Stone Pony, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA during the 1982-84 "NJ clubs" Tour
 - 20/11/1987 Stone Pony, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA during the 1987 "Bar tour"
 - 05/12/1987 Stone Pony, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA during the 1987 "Bar tour"
 - 03/05/1988 Shoreline Amph., Mountain View,CA ,USA during the Tunnel of Love Tour
 - 21/02/1995 Tramps Night Club, New York,NY ,USA
 - 20/09/1999 First Union Center, Philadelphia,PA ,USA during the Reunion Tour, during the soundcheck.
 - 02/08/2008 Gilette Stadium, Foxborough, MA ,USA during the Magic tour
 - 18/05/2009 Verizon Center, Washington,DC ,USA during the Working on a dream tour

Data from the database
First known live performance: 23/03/1977 Music Hall, Boston,MA ,USA
Last known live performance: 18/05/2009 Verizon Center, Washington,DC ,USA

Song 'history':

It only saw the light 3 times in the whole Born to Run tour
Scarcely used during the 1982-1984 period, during which Bruce played, with various small groups or guesting, in a number of bars and small clubs of the New Jersey area, with 4 inclusions
Played during the '1987 bar tour', which is the name under which I group the 1987 shows Bruce played with various small bands, or guesting, in small NJ clubs.
One only performance during the Tunnel of Love tour (03/05/1988 Shoreline Amph., Mountain View,CA ,USA)
In the Reunion tour, the song was only practiced (20/09/1999 First Union Center, Philadelphia,PA ,USA, during the soundcheck.) but never played in the regular set.
One only rendering for this song in the Magic tour (02/08/2008 Gilette Stadium, Foxborough, MA ,USA)
One only rendering for this song in the Working on a Dream tour (18/05/2009 Verizon Center, Washington,DC ,USA)

The song was also played in informal happenings or off-tour appearances
Data from the database