Song title: Lion's den
Lion's den
You broke my heart, tore it apart
Thought it was cute, thought it was smart
But now I’m back and I’ve got the strength of ten
So I got a message for you my friend
I’m Daniel waitin’ in the lion’s den
Daniel waitin’ for that lion to come
Daniel waitin’ in the lion’s den
Dum dum dee dum dum dee dee dum dum
That old lion’s mean and long in the tooth
And like you, baby, he’s out on the loose
Messin’ hearts up time and time again
Well it’s time for that messin’ to end
At night I hear you out prowling around
Tearing guys up, scaring ‘em down
Now all that growling’s gonna come to no end
‘Cause I m just biding my time, my little friend Notes:
An early version of this song is probably the pre-Nebraska demo Daniel's in the lion den
Published on the following official releases:
- TRACKS (Album,1999)
- 18 TRACKS (Album,1999)
Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
- 19/04/1999 Forum Assago, Milan ,Italy during the Reunion Tour, during the soundcheck.
- 03/06/1999 Bercy, Paris ,France during the Reunion Tour
- 07/06/1999 Estadio de la Comunidad, Madrid ,Spain during the Reunion Tour
- 28/02/2000 Bryce Jordan Center, State College,PA ,USA during the Reunion Tour
- 09/04/2000 Kemper Arena, Kansas City,MO ,USA during the Reunion Tour, during the soundcheck.
- 08/05/2000 Civic Center, Hartford,CT ,USA during the Reunion Tour, during the soundcheck.
- 06/04/2012 Madison Square Garden, New York,NY ,USA during the Wrecking ball tour
- 01/11/2012 Bryce Jordan Center, State College,PA ,USA during the Wrecking ball tour
Data from the database
First known live performance: 03/06/1999 Bercy, Paris ,France
Last known live performance: 01/11/2012 Bryce Jordan Center, State College,PA ,USA
Song 'history':
Originally recorded acoustically for the NEBRASKA album, but then left out of the album
The TRACKS studio out-take collection included for the first (official) time this song.
Also included in the TRACKS 'greatest hits', '18-TRACKS'.
Scarcely used during the Reunion tour, with 3 inclusions
Two only renderings for this song in the Wrecking Ball tour (06/04/2012 Madison Square Garden, New York,NY ,USA and 01/11/2012 Bryce Jordan Center, State College,PA ,USA)
Data from the database