Song title: Is that all to the ball mr. Hall?
(Lewis) by Billy Lee Riley (Brunswick 55085), 1958
Is that all to the ball mr. Hall?
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This song has never been published on any official release.
Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
- 23/05/1978 Shea Theatre, Buffalo,NY ,USA during the Darkness Tour, during the soundcheck.
- 23/03/1988 The Omni, Atlanta,GA ,USA during the Tunnel of Love Tour, during the soundcheck.
Data from the database
Never played in regular set.
Data from the database
Song 'history':
In the Darkness tour, the song was only practiced (23/05/1978 Shea Theatre, Buffalo,NY ,USA, during the soundcheck.)
but never played in the regular set.
In the Tunnel of Love tour, the song was only practiced (23/03/1988 The Omni, Atlanta,GA ,USA, during the soundcheck.)
but never played in the regular set.
Data from the database