Song title: I heard that lonesome whistle
(Acuff-Rose) Music/Hiriam Music/Peer International Corp., 1951
I heard that lonesome whistle
I was ridin' Number Nine,
Headin' south from Caroline.
I heard that lonesome whistle blow.
Got in trouble, had to roam,
Left my gal an' left my home.
I heard that lonesome whistle blow.
Just a kid, actin' smart,
I went and broke my darling's heart,
I guess I was too young to know.
They took me off the Georgia Main,
Locked me to a ball and chain.
I heard that lonesome whistle blow.
All alone I bear the shame,
I'm a number, not a name.
I heard that lonesome whistle blow.
All I do is set [sic] an' cry
When the evenin' train goes by.
I heard that lonesome whistle blow.
I'll be locked here in this cell
Till my body's just a shell
An' my hair turns whiter than snow.
I'll never see that gal of mine.
Lord, I'm in Georgia doin' time.
I heard that lonesome whistle blow. Notes:
These are the original lyrics.
This song has never been published on any official release.
Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
- 28/08/1978 Stanley Theatre, Pittsburgh,PA ,USA during the Darkness Tour, during the soundcheck.
- 29/08/1978 Stanley Theatre, Pittsburgh,PA ,USA during the Darkness Tour
- 20/09/1978 Capitol Theatre, Passaic,NJ ,USA during the Darkness Tour, during the soundcheck.
Data from the database
Unique known live performance: 29/08/1978 Stanley Theatre, Pittsburgh,PA ,USA
Song 'history':
One only rendering for this song in the Darkness tour (29/08/1978 Stanley Theatre, Pittsburgh,PA ,USA)
Data from the database