Bruce Springsteen lyrics -- Bruce Springsteen shows -- Bruce Springsteen records

Song title: Hearts of stone

Hearts of stone - Tracks version

You stare in the mirror at the lines in your face
And you try to see, girl
The way things were when we were at your place
In the days it was just you and me, girl
And you cry because things ain’t like before
Well don’t you know they can’t be that way anymore
But don’t worry baby

I can’t talk now, I’m not alone
So put your ear close to the phone
‘Cause this is the last dance
This is the last chance for hearts of stone

If there was something, baby, that I could do
Something that would last, honey, I would
But we all know, girl, especially you do
How you can’t return to your past, no
So girl close your eyes and I’ll be there
Hold me once more and we can go anywhere Ah, we could . . .


And you cry because things ain’t like before
Well don’t you know they can’t be like that anymore
Well I know it, baby

Hearts of stone - Rehearsal verion

You stare in the mirror at the lines in your face
And you try so hard to see
The way things were when we were at your place
Everyday was just you and me
And you cry because things ain’t like before
Well, don’t you know it can’t be that way anymore
But don’t worry baby
‘Cause I can’t talk now, I’m not alone
So put your ear close to the phone
‘Cause this is the last dance, the last chance
For hearts of stone

If there was something, baby,
That I could do,
Something that would last, honey, I would
But you should know better than to think that you
Can return to the past
So close your eyes and I’ll be there
Hold you once more and not go anywhere
I wish I could babe
But I can’t talk now, I’m not alone
So put your ear close to the phone
‘Cause this is the last dance, the last chance
For hearts of stone

And you cry because things
get so strange so fast
And you cry because nothing good ever lasts
Well, I know babe
But I can’t talk now, I’m not alone
So put your ear close to the phone
‘Cause this is the last dance, the last chance
For hearts of stone
I can’t talk now, I’m not alone
So put your ear close to the phone
‘Cause this is the last dance, the last chance
For hearts of stone

Notes: 1978 Live (Rehearsal) version. Minor lyrics differences with the studio version.

Statistics from the KILLING FLOOR ( database

Published on the following official releases:

Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
 - 19/05/1978 Paramount Theatre, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA
 - 26/11/1988 The Stone, San Francisco,CA ,USA
 - 28/04/1999 Halle Tony Garnier, Lyon ,France during the Reunion Tour, during the soundcheck.
 - 16/07/2013 Thormond Park, Limerick ,Ireland during the Wrecking ball tour, during the soundcheck.
 - 18/01/2014 Paramount Theatre, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA
 - 29/04/2014 BB and T Center, Sunrise,FL ,USA during the High Hopes tour
 - 17/05/2014 Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville,CT ,USA during the High Hopes tour
 - 22/05/2014 Soldiers and Sailors Hall, Pittsburgh,PA ,USA
 - 23/05/2014 Soldiers and Sailors Hall, Pittsburgh,PA ,USA
 - 17/01/2015 Paramount Theatre, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA

Data from the database
First known live performance: 19/05/1978 Paramount Theatre, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA
Last known live performance: 17/01/2015 Paramount Theatre, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA

Song 'history':

Recorded during the DARKNESS studio sessions, but then not used for the album.
The TRACKS studio out-take collection included for the first (official) time this song. Also included in the TRACKS 'greatest hits', '18-TRACKS'.
In the Reunion tour, the song was only practiced (28/04/1999 Halle Tony Garnier, Lyon ,France, during the soundcheck.) but never played in the regular set.
In the Wrecking Ball tour, the song was only practiced (16/07/2013 Thormond Park, Limerick ,Ireland, during the soundcheck.) but never played in the regular set.
Two only performances during the High Hopes tour (29/04/2014 BB and T Center, Sunrise,FL ,USA and 17/05/2014 Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville,CT ,USA)

The song was also played in informal happenings or off-tour appearances
Data from the database