Song title: Double shot of my baby's love
(Uncredited, - Smith, Vetter?) by The Swingin' Medallions (Smash 2033), 1966
Double shot of my baby's love
Woke up this morning, my head was so bad
The worst hangover that I ever had
What happened to me last night
That girl of mine, she loved me so right (yeah!) (oh, oh)
She loved me so long and she loved me so hard
I finally passed out in her front yard (whoo!)
It wasn't wine that I had too much of
It was adouble shot of my baby's love
Double shot of my baby's love, yeah yeah, yeah
Double shot of my baby's love, yeah yeah, yeah
A potion that I had too much of
It was adouble shot of my baby's love
It was such a thrill it was hurtin' me (ooh!)
I was sufferin' in ecstasy
She had me turnin' flips and-a shoutin' out loud (yah-hah!)
A sip of her love and I was walkin' one a cloud
One night a week is-a plenty enough
It's a good thing for me they don't bottle that stuff [pop!]
Well, my heart begins to fly like a dove
When I take a double shot of my baby's love
Double shot of my baby's love, yeah yeah, yeah
This song has never been published on any official release.
Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
- 25/08/1978 Toad's Place, New Haven,CT ,USA
- 09/09/1978 Notre Dame University, South Bend,IN ,USA during the Darkness Tour
- 26/01/1981 Notre Dame University, South Bend,IN ,USA during the The River Tour
- 22/04/2000 Entertainment Center, Raleigh,NC ,USA during the Reunion Tour, during the soundcheck.
- 16/08/2008 North Charleston Auditorium, Charleston,SC ,USA during the Magic tour
- 16/09/2009 Bi-Lo Center, Greenville,SC ,USA during the Working on a dream tour
Data from the database
First known live performance: 25/08/1978 Toad's Place, New Haven,CT ,USA
Last known live performance: 16/09/2009 Bi-Lo Center, Greenville,SC ,USA
Song 'history':
Bruce gave this song one only shot through the Darkness tour (09/09/1978 Notre Dame University, South Bend,IN ,USA)
Bruce gave this song one only shot through the River tour (26/01/1981 Notre Dame University, South Bend,IN ,USA)
In the Reunion tour, the song was only practiced (22/04/2000 Entertainment Center, Raleigh,NC ,USA, during the soundcheck.)
but never played in the regular set.
Played once in the whole Magic tour (16/08/2008 North Charleston Auditorium, Charleston,SC ,USA)
Played once in the whole Working on a Dream tour (16/09/2009 Bi-Lo Center, Greenville,SC ,USA)
The song was also played in informal happenings or off-tour appearances
Data from the database