Song title: You've got it
You've got it
No one ever found it
Ain’t no school ever taught it
No one ever made it
Ain’t no one ever bought it
But baby, you’ve got it
Baby, you’ve got it
C’mon and give it to me
Ain’t no one can break it
Ain’t no one can steal it
Ain’t no one can fake it
You just know it when you feel it
And baby, you’ve got it
Baby, you’ve got it
C’mon and give it to me
You can’t read it in a book
You can’t even dream it
Honey, it ain’t got a name
You just know it when you see it
Baby, you’ve got it
Baby, you’ve got it
C’mon and give it to me
Well, now, listen up my reckless love
It’s precious so don’t waste it
Can’t tell you what God made it of
But I know it when I taste it
Baby you’ve got it
Baby you’ve got it
You got it in your bones and blood
Yeah, you’re realer than real ever was
Baby, you’ve got it
Baby, you’ve got it
C’mon and give it to me
Published on the following official releases:
- WRECKING BALL (Album,2012)
Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
- 24/07/2012 Bergenhus Festning, Bergen ,Norway during the Wrecking ball tour
Data from the database
Unique known live performance: 24/07/2012 Bergenhus Festning, Bergen ,Norway
Song 'history':
Published on the 'WRECKING BALL' Album, released in March 2012.
Played once in the whole Wrecking Ball tour (24/07/2012 Bergenhus Festning, Bergen ,Norway)
Data from the database