Bruce Springsteen lyrics -- Bruce Springsteen shows -- Bruce Springsteen records

Song title: Town called heartbreak

Town called heartbreak

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Statistics from the KILLING FLOOR ( database

This song has never been published on any official release.

Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
 - 25/09/2007 Convention Hall, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA during the Magic Tour rehearsals
 - 28/09/2007 Continental Arena, E.Rutherford,NJ ,USA during the Magic Tour rehearsals
 - 02/10/2007 Civic Center, Hartford,CT ,USA during the Magic tour
 - 06/10/2007 Wachovia Center, Philadelphia,PA ,USA during the Magic tour
 - 10/10/2007 Continental Arena, E.Rutherford,NJ ,USA during the Magic tour
 - 15/10/2007 Air Canada Centre, Toronto ,Canada during the Magic tour
 - 25/10/2007 Oracle Arena, Oakland,CA ,USA during the Magic tour
 - 29/10/2007 Sports Arena, Los Angeles,CA ,USA during the Magic tour
 - 30/10/2007 Sports Arena, Los Angeles,CA ,USA during the Magic tour
 - 04/11/2007 Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland,OH ,USA during the Magic tour
 - 12/11/2007 Verizon Arena, Washington,DC ,USA during the Magic tour

Data from the database
First known live performance: 25/09/2007 Convention Hall, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA
Last known live performance: 12/11/2007 Verizon Arena, Washington,DC ,USA

Song 'history':

Played during the rehearsals for the Magic tour, in Sep 2007.
Not much used during the Magic tour, deserving only less than a dozen renderings
Data from the database