Bruce Springsteen lyrics -- Bruce Springsteen shows -- Bruce Springsteen records

Song title: Blue Christmas

Blue Christmas

I'll have a blue Christmas without you
I'll be so blue just thinking about you
Decorations of red
On a green Christmas tree
Won't mean a thing if
You're not here with me

I'll have a blue Christmas, that's certain
And when that blue heartache starts hurting
You'll be doing all right
With your Christmas of white
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

I'll have a blue Christmas without you
I'll be so blue just thinking about you
Decorations of red
On a green Christmas tree
Won't mean a thing if
You're not here with me

I'll have a blue Christmas, that's certain
And when that blue heartache starts hurting
You'll be doing all right
With your Christmas of white
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

Statistics from the KILLING FLOOR ( database

This song has never been published on any official release.

Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
 - 17/12/2000 Convention Hall, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA during the Convention Hall Shows 2000
 - 18/12/2000 Convention Hall, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA during the Convention Hall Shows 2000
 - 07/12/2010 Carousel house, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA

Data from the database
First known live performance: 17/12/2000 Convention Hall, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA
Last known live performance: 07/12/2010 Carousel house, Asbury Park,NJ ,USA

Song 'history':

Played during the Conventional Hall shows in 2000

The song was also played in informal happenings or off-tour appearances
Data from the database