Bruce Springsteen lyrics -- Bruce Springsteen shows -- Bruce Springsteen records

Song title: Yellow Rose of Texas

(Wise, Starr) by Mitch Miller (Columbia 40540), 1965

Yellow Rose of Texas - Bruce lyrics

There's a yellow rose of Texas
That I am going to see
No other soldier knows her
No soldier, only me.
She cried so when I left her
It like to broke my heart
And if I ever find her
We never more will part.

She's the sweetest rose of color
This soldier ever knew
Her eyes are bright as diamonds
They sparkle like the dew.
You may talk about your dearest May
And sing of Rosa Lee
But the Yellow Rose of Texas
Beats the belles of Tennessee.

Oh, my heart is feeling weary
And my head is hanging low
I'm goin' back to Georgy
To find my Uncle Joe.
You may talk about your Beauregard
And sing of Bobby Lee
But the Gallant Hood of Texas
He raised Hell in Tennessee.

Yellow Rose of Texas - Original lyrics

There's a yellow rose in Texas
I'm goin' back to see
No other cowboy loves her
Half as much as me

She cried so when I left her
It almost broke my heart
And if we ever meet again
We'll never drift apart

She's the sweetest rose of color
That Texas ever knew
Her eyes are like the diamonds
They sparkle like the dew
You can talk about your Clementine
And dream of Rosalie
But the Yellow Rose of Texas
Is the only girl for me

Statistics from the KILLING FLOOR ( database

This song has never been published on any official release.

Very few performances of this songs are known (to me, at least!):
 - 08/11/1980 Reunion Arena, Dallas,TX ,USA during the The River Tour
 - 09/11/1980 F.Erwin Center, Austin,TX ,USA during the The River Tour

Data from the database
First known live performance: 08/11/1980 Reunion Arena, Dallas,TX ,USA
Last known live performance: 09/11/1980 F.Erwin Center, Austin,TX ,USA

Song 'history':

Two only performances during the River tour (08/11/1980 Reunion Arena, Dallas,TX ,USA and 09/11/1980 F.Erwin Center, Austin,TX ,USA)
Data from the database